Group Members

Principal Researchers

Chi-Sheng Shih 施吉昇

Director 主任/即時系統、排程理論、資源管理、嵌入式系統
In the HPSC Center from 2018 - date

  • PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • MS, National Cheng-Kung University
  • BS, National Cheng-Kung University

Shih-Hao Hung 洪士灝

Deputy Director 副主任/電腦應用與架構相互最佳化、計算機架構與平行處理、計算機效能評估與最佳化、嵌入式系統設計
In the HPSC Center from 2018 - date

  • PhD, The University of Michigan.
  • MS, The University of Michigan.
  • BS, National Taiwan University.

Tei-Wei Kuo 郭大維

Founding Director 首任中心主任(2018-2024)/嵌入式系統、即時系統、神經元計算、快閃記憶體系統、作業系統、儲存系統
In the HPSC Center from 2018 - date

  • PhD, University of Texas at Austin

  • BS, National Taiwan University.

Hsu-chun Yen 顏嗣鈞

自動機理論與正規語言; 圖形繪製與資訊視覺化; 正規驗證/Automata Theory and Formal Languages, Graph Drawing and Information Visualization, Formal Verification
In the HPSC Center 2018 -

  • Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin (Computer Sciences)
  • M.S. National Chiao-Tung University (Computer Engineering)
  • B.S. National Taiwan University (Electrical Engineering

Alumni Members

Ai-Chun Pang 逄愛君

In the HPSC Center from 2018 - 2024

  • PhD, National Chiao-Tung University
  • MS, National Chiao-Tung University
  • BS, National Chiao-Tung University

Administrative Support

YuChen Hsu 許瑜珍 is helping us (and other groups) with administration.